Uitvaartcentrum De Sporen

09 345 02 05

De heer

Blomme Gaston

De heer

Blomme Gaston

Geboren te Waterland-Oudeman op 20 juni 1936
Overleden te Gent op 01 januari 2024


woensdag 10 januari 2024 om 10:00
Crematorium van Lochristi
60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi


dinsdag 09 januari 2024 om
Crematorium van Lochristi
60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi

    [publication] => 1
    [photo] => /doc/user/65956fcd5ddfa/photo/photo_crop.jpg?1704357434
    [id] => 486
    [pompes_funebres_id] => 1
    [statut] => 4
    [nom] => Blomme
    [prenom] => Gaston
    [surnom] => 
    [nom_complet] => Blomme Gaston
    [nom_de_jeune_fille] => 
    [genre] => M
    [civilite_formate] => De heer
    [civilite] => monsieur
    [etat_civil] => Array
            [civilite] => madame
            [civilite_formate] => Mevrouw
            [nom_complet] => Mevrouw Van Basselaere Christiana
            [nom] => Van Basselaere
            [prenom] => Christiana
            [surnom] => 
            [statut] => veuf
            [etat_civil_formate] => weduwnaar van  Mevrouw Van Basselaere Christiana

    [etat_civil_list] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [civilite] => madame
                    [civilite_formate] => Mevrouw
                    [nom_complet] => Mevrouw Van Basselaere Christiana
                    [noce] => 
                    [nom] => Van Basselaere
                    [surnom] => 
                    [prenom] => Christiana
                    [statut] => veuf
                    [etat_civil_formate] => weduwnaar van  Mevrouw Van Basselaere Christiana
                    [decede] => 1


    [remarque] => 
    [remarque_html] => 
    [condoleances] => Array

    [avis_de_deces] => /doc/user/65956fcd5ddfa/annexes/Blomme Gaston - rouwbrief 115x380_02.pdf
    [strict_intimite] => 
    [date_limite_commande_fleur] => 2024-01-08 12:00
    [naissance] => Array
            [date] => 1936-06-20
            [lieu] => Waterland-Oudeman

    [deces] => Array
            [date] => 2024-01-01
            [heure] => 14:15
            [lieu] => Gent

    [lieu_de_repos] => 
    [lien_don] => 
    [visites] => 
    [reunions] => 
    [levee_du_corps] => 
    [type_funerailles] => cremation
    [funerailles] => Array
            [ceremonie] => Array
                    [lieu_type] => CRE
                    [lieu] => Crematorium van Lochristi
                    [lieu_ville] => Crematorium van Lochristi
                    [date] => 2024-01-10
                    [heure] => 10:00
                    [heure_condoleance] => 
                    [adresse_inline] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse_inline_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi [coordonnees] => [details_adresse] => Array ( [numero] => 60 [rue] => Smalle Heerweg [code_postal] => 9080 [ville] => Lochristi [pays] => be ) ) [cremation] => Array ( [lieu] => Crematorium van Lochristi [date] => 2024-01-09 [heure] => [adresse_inline] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi [adresse] => 60, Smalle Heerweg 9080 Lochristi [adresse_inline_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi [adresse_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi [coordonnees] => Array ( [long] => 3.8085041 [lat] => 51.0958012 ) [details_adresse] => Array ( [numero] => 60 [rue] => Smalle Heerweg [code_postal] => 9080 [ville] => Lochristi [pays] => be ) [type] => Caveau ) [inhumation] => ) [ajoute_le] => 2024-01-03 14:31 [modifie_le] => 2024-03-28 10:08 [livestream] => [livestream_url] => )

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