Uitvaartcentrum De Sporen

09 345 02 05

De heer

Haentjens Eric Alfons

De heer

Haentjens Eric Alfons

Geboren te Wetteren op 14 februari 1954
Overleden te Wachtebeke op 04 februari 2024


dinsdag 13 februari 2024 om 11:00
Crematorium van Lochristi
60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi


dinsdag 13 februari 2024 om
Crematorium van Lochristi
60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi

    [publication] => 1
    [photo] => /doc/user/65c0ff18a2b4c/photo/photo_crop.jpg?1707459651
    [id] => 498
    [pompes_funebres_id] => 1
    [statut] => 4
    [nom] => Haentjens
    [prenom] => Eric Alfons
    [surnom] => 
    [nom_complet] => Haentjens Eric Alfons
    [nom_de_jeune_fille] => 
    [genre] => M
    [civilite_formate] => De heer
    [civilite] => monsieur
    [etat_civil] => Array
            [civilite] => madame
            [civilite_formate] => Mevrouw
            [nom_complet] => Mevrouw De Coninck Ivonna 
            [nom] => De Coninck
            [prenom] => Ivonna 
            [surnom] => 
            [statut] => marie
            [etat_civil_formate] => echtgenoot van  Mevrouw De Coninck Ivonna 

    [etat_civil_list] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [civilite] => madame
                    [civilite_formate] => Mevrouw
                    [nom_complet] => Mevrouw De Coninck Ivonna 
                    [noce] => 
                    [nom] => De Coninck
                    [surnom] => 
                    [prenom] => Ivonna 
                    [statut] => marie
                    [etat_civil_formate] => echtgenoot van  Mevrouw De Coninck Ivonna 
                    [decede] => 


    [remarque] => 
    [remarque_html] => 
    [condoleances] => Array

    [avis_de_deces] => /doc/user/65c0ff18a2b4c/annexes/RKS Haentjens Eric.pdf
    [strict_intimite] => 
    [date_limite_commande_fleur] => 
    [naissance] => Array
            [date] => 1954-02-14
            [lieu] => Wetteren

    [deces] => Array
            [date] => 2024-02-04
            [heure] => 08:00
            [lieu] => Wachtebeke

    [lieu_de_repos] => 
    [lien_don] => 
    [visites] => 
    [reunions] => 
    [levee_du_corps] => 
    [type_funerailles] => cremation
    [funerailles] => Array
            [ceremonie] => Array
                    [lieu_type] => CRE
                    [lieu] => Crematorium van Lochristi
                    [lieu_ville] => Crematorium van Lochristi
                    [date] => 2024-02-13
                    [heure] => 11:00
                    [heure_condoleance] => 
                    [adresse_inline] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse_inline_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi [coordonnees] => [details_adresse] => Array ( [numero] => 60 [rue] => Smalle Heerweg [code_postal] => 9080 [ville] => Lochristi [pays] => be ) ) [cremation] => Array ( [lieu] => Crematorium van Lochristi [date] => 2024-02-13 [heure] => [adresse_inline] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi [adresse] => 60, Smalle Heerweg 9080 Lochristi [adresse_inline_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi [adresse_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi [coordonnees] => Array ( [long] => 3.8085041 [lat] => 51.0958012 ) [details_adresse] => Array ( [numero] => 60 [rue] => Smalle Heerweg [code_postal] => 9080 [ville] => Lochristi [pays] => be ) [type] => ) [inhumation] => ) [ajoute_le] => 2024-02-05 15:30 [modifie_le] => 2024-03-26 16:11 [livestream] => [livestream_url] => )

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