Uitvaartcentrum De Sporen

09 345 02 05


Carlier Christiane


Carlier Christiane

Geboren te Wachtebeke op 30 augustus 1940
Overleden te Gent op 01 augustus 2024


woensdag 07 augustus 2024 van 17:00 tot 19:00


maandag 12 augustus 2024 om 11:30
Crematorium van Lochristi
60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi


maandag 12 augustus 2024 om
Begraafplaats van Wachtebeke
Molenhoek - 9185 Wachtebeke

    [publication] => 1
    [photo] => /doc/user/66ab936c276ea/photo/photo_crop.jpg?1723444133
    [id] => 535
    [pompes_funebres_id] => 1
    [statut] => 3
    [nom] => Carlier
    [prenom] => Christiana
    [surnom] => Christiane
    [nom_complet] => Carlier Christiane
    [nom_de_jeune_fille] => 
    [genre] => F
    [civilite_formate] => Mevrouw
    [civilite] => madame
    [etat_civil] => 
    [etat_civil_list] => Array

    [remarque] => 
    [remarque_html] => 
    [condoleances] => Array

    [avis_de_deces] => /doc/user/66ab936c276ea/annexes/Carlier Christiana - rouwbrief 185x230.pdf
    [strict_intimite] => 
    [date_limite_commande_fleur] => 2024-08-09 12:00
    [naissance] => Array
            [date] => 1940-08-30
            [lieu] => Wachtebeke

    [deces] => Array
            [date] => 2024-08-01
            [heure] => 08:00
            [lieu] => Gent

    [lieu_de_repos] => 
    [lien_don] => 
    [visites] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [privee] => 
                    [date] => 2024-08-07
                    [debut] => 17:00
                    [fin] => 19:00
                    [lieu] => Stationsstraat 203 -  9185 Wachtebeke
                    [adresse_inline] => Stationsstraat 203 -  9185 Wachtebeke
                    [adresse] => Stationsstraat 203
9185 Wachtebeke
                    [adresse_inline_html] => Stationsstraat 203 -  9185 Wachtebeke
                    [adresse_html] => Stationsstraat 203
9185 Wachtebeke [coordonnees] => Array ( [lat] => [long] => ) ) ) [reunions] => [levee_du_corps] => [type_funerailles] => cremation [funerailles] => Array ( [ceremonie] => Array ( [lieu_type] => CRE [lieu] => Crematorium van Lochristi [lieu_ville] => Crematorium van Lochristi [date] => 2024-08-12 [heure] => 11:30 [heure_condoleance] => [adresse_inline] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi [adresse] => 60, Smalle Heerweg 9080 Lochristi [adresse_inline_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi [adresse_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi [coordonnees] => [details_adresse] => Array ( [numero] => 60 [rue] => Smalle Heerweg [code_postal] => 9080 [ville] => Lochristi [pays] => be ) ) [cremation] => [inhumation] => Array ( [lieu] => Begraafplaats van Wachtebeke [date] => 2024-08-12 [heure] => [adresse_inline] => Molenhoek - 9185 Wachtebeke [adresse] => Molenhoek 9185 Wachtebeke [adresse_inline_html] => Molenhoek - 9185 Wachtebeke [adresse_html] => Molenhoek
9185 Wachtebeke [coordonnees] => Array ( [longitude] => 3.86504562314 [latitude] => 51.171334322119 ) [details_adresse] => Array ( [numero] => [rue] => Molenhoek [code_postal] => 9185 [ville] => Wachtebeke [pays] => be ) [type] => ) ) [ajoute_le] => 2024-08-01 13:53 [modifie_le] => 2024-09-12 10:06 [livestream] => [livestream_url] => )

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